Sunday, 16 February 2014

Hyper V (Visor)

Hyper V is the virtualization technology from Microsoft i.e. available in 64 bit version of windows server 2008. A hyper visor is a thin layer of software that runs on top of the hardware and below the parent operating system .When a hyper visor is installed both the parent and guest have the equal access to to the hardware.

Hyper V features:

  1. It support 64 bit virtual machine.
  2. Each virtual machine can support upto 4 processors. 
  3. In each virtual machine we can assign upto 32 GB of RAM.
  4. We can take the snap short of a running virtual machine so that we can easily revert to any previous state.
  5. Each virtual machine can be easily configure to run with network load balancing .To balance the load across multiple virtual machine.
  6. Virtual machine includes integration components that can greatly improve performance and helps to improve integration of virtual machine with a physical machine.
Hyper V Installation Pre-requisites:

  1. CPU must support 64 bit processor(Intel VT or AMD-V).
  2. Enable virtuallization  support from BIOS.
  3. Operating System: Windows Server 2008 bit edition of standard ,Enterprise and Data Center.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Power Supply Fan does not Work or Emits a lot of Sounds

The power supply fan is not working when the system is switched on or makes a lot of noise. The problem occurs if the power supply fan is not functional or if lot of dust has accumulated on the fan motor.

To troubleshoot this problem:

  1. Shutdown the system,remove the system case cover and clean the dirt or dust from the fan and power supply unit with a vacuum cleaner or with compressed air.
  2. Check the power supply fan and replace it if it has any defects