Hyper V is the virtualization technology from Microsoft i.e. available in 64 bit version of windows server 2008. A hyper visor is a thin layer of software that runs on top of the hardware and below the parent operating system .When a hyper visor is installed both the parent and guest have the equal access to to the hardware.
Hyper V features:
Hyper V features:
- It support 64 bit virtual machine.
- Each virtual machine can support upto 4 processors.
- In each virtual machine we can assign upto 32 GB of RAM.
- We can take the snap short of a running virtual machine so that we can easily revert to any previous state.
- Each virtual machine can be easily configure to run with network load balancing .To balance the load across multiple virtual machine.
- Virtual machine includes integration components that can greatly improve performance and helps to improve integration of virtual machine with a physical machine.
Hyper V Installation Pre-requisites:
- CPU must support 64 bit processor(Intel VT or AMD-V).
- Enable virtuallization support from BIOS.
- Operating System: Windows Server 2008 bit edition of standard ,Enterprise and Data Center.